Create & Manage Rooms

💻 Centre > Manage Rooms


💡 At least 1 room is required for your centre/service configuration!

Even if your Centre has no 'physical' rooms we need to identify the placement of children at the service. Rooms can be created and disabled (e.g. for School Holiday Programs or vacation care) where they are only needed at certain times of the year.

Creating a new room

  1. Go to Centre > Manage Rooms
  2. Enter the room name in the Add Room section
  3. Enter other fields as required (Optional)
  4. Click Add Room
Room Name (Required)Identified the room in the portal and app
Max. Capacity per dayUsed for reporting & limiting casual bookings
Override ACECQA Child/Carer RatioAllows you to specify your own ratio for the room, regardless of ages, which may be lower or higher [NOT RECOMMENDED]
Profile ImageNot currently displayed - future proof feature
Exclude Staff (in Room) for RatioStaff checked into this Room won't be counted towards Ratio
Staff Only RoomChildren cannot be booked into this Room. It is for staff to check into only

Editing a Room

Room Details Tab

Go to the Manage Rooms list to see all active rooms and click Edit (or click the room name) to access the full range of room settings:

  • Room Age (general range of children who should be in this room
  • Max. Capacity per day (used for reporting, casual bookings, and rostering)
  • Override ACECQA Child/Carer Ratio (only to be used if you don't use the default ratios for your state)
  • Profile image (future-proofing feature)
  • Exclude Staff (checked into this room) for Ratio
  • Disable this Room
  • Staff Only Room

⚠️ Once you create a room, the room name is locked and cannot be changed!

Fees Matrix Setup Tab

This tab is used for adding and updating room fees. You will need special permission to access this section.

Adding / Updating Room Fees (Fees Matrix)

Room Leader Priority Tab

The Room Leader Priority allows you to set up a hierarchy of users to display as the room leader (on the dashboard) when they are logged into the room.

A higher rank (lower number) will take over the Room Leader position when signing into a room.

Changing the Room Order

From the Manage Rooms screen, you can click and drag a room up or down the list to change the order they appear in lists, on the dashboards, roster and app.

Roster Only Rooms

Rooms can also be added so that staff can be rostered in. Sometimes, these rooms/locations may only be for staff and not count towards the educator-to-child ratios.

If this is the case, edit the room again after creating it to tick the following options:

  • Exclude Staff (checked into this Room) for Ratio
  • Staff Only Room

Deleting and Disabling Rooms

Deleting a Room is not recommended! This should only be used in the event you created one in error and need to remove it. You must ensure there are no children within the room before doing so.

If you want to temporarily deactivate or hide a room for a period of time, you can Disable the room. These can then be enabled again by changing the Room Status filter at the top of the list.

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