Changing a room name & migrating children to a new room


In order to keep record keeping and reporting accurate and consistent, you cannot change or edit the name of a room after it has been created.

Instead, you can create a new room and migrate the existing children/bookings across to it.


1. Create a new room

  • Go to Centre > Manage Rooms, on the left hand side of the screen there is a section to add a room. 
  • Enter the new room name, rate, and capacity
  • Click Add Room

⚠️ You are not able to edit a room name, you need to create a new room.

2. Migrate Children

⚠️ You will still need to manually update Advanced booking patterns from the child's profiles

3. Deactivate Old Room

Once the children have been migrated to the new room (usually by the next day), then you can deactivate the old room.

  • Go to Rooms > Manage Rooms
  • Click on the Deactivate button
  • If you get an error message, it might mean you haven't yet migrated over all of the (advanced) bookings

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