Centre Information


💡 Ensure all fields are correct within Centre Info, as this is used in other parts of the platform!

💻 Centre > Centre Info

The Centre Information section contains all of the business details relating to your service, so it is very important to ensure they are correct.

This page contains four tabs:

  1. Centre Information
  2. App Details
  3. Session Times
  4. Workflow Emails

Centre Information

⚠️ Please be aware that many of these fields are visible to the parents

Field NameVisible to Parents 👀Notes
Business Legal Name🟢 YesThis will appear on your Invoices/Statements for families.
ABN/Company #🟢 YesThis will appear on your Invoices/Statements for families.
Phone🟢 Yes
Email (supports multiple addresses)🟢 YesThis email will receive all automated notifications from OWNA (checklist, immunisation update, casual booking etc.)
Mobile🔴 NoOWNA will use this number to alert you of App Outages and other urgent things
Public Phone🟢 YesThis phone number will be displayed in the Custom Enquiry/Waitlist Forms for Public Access
Public Email🟢 YesThis email address will be displayed in the Custom Enquiry/Waitlist Forms for Public Access
After Hour Contact #🟢 YesDisplayed in Contact Info in the app
Website URL🟢 YesDisplayed in Contact Info in the app
Facebook Page URL🟢 YesDisplayed in Contact Info in the app
Opening Time🟢 YesIncluded in QIP details (unless overridden by Operating Info)
Closing Time🟢 YesIncluded in QIP details (unless overridden by Operating Info)
Operating Info (overrides above on your QIP)🟢 YesIncluded in QIP details
Approved Places🔴 NoYou can also add 'Operational Places' if different from approved
ACECQA Rating🟢 YesDisplayed in Contact Info in the app
Service Approval Number🟢 YesIncluded in QIP details
Provider Approval Number🟢 YesIncluded in QIP details
Approved Provider (Name)🟢 YesIncluded in QIP details
Approved Provider (Phone Number)🟢 YesIncluded in QIP details
Approved Provider (Email)🟢 YesIncluded in QIP details
BPAY Biller Code🟢 YesIf applicable - Shown on invoice when not Direct Debiting
Bank Account Details (Account Name)🟢 YesShown on invoice when not Direct Debiting
Bank Account Details (BSB)🟢 YesShown on invoice when not Direct Debiting
Bank Account Details (ACC Number)🟢 YesShown on invoice when not Direct Debiting

Centre Contact Info via the app:

Centre Contact Info on public forms (enquiry/enrolment):

App Details

This tab contains quick links to the iOS App and Android App at their stores. If you have a custom enterprise app, this will display your custom app links.

These links also get sent to parents and staff when sending out the welcome email 📨

Centre Session Times

💡 A session of care may be of any length up to 12 hours!

Children who attend your centre will be coming for an allocated Session of Care. This must be configured in the child's attendance pattern when setting up their booking. If the centre runs multiple sessions of care, you can set up these sessions here (up to 15 different session times). 


  • Times must be entered in 24HR format HH:MM (e.g. 7am = 07:00, 6.30pm = 18:30)
  • You must have at least one session of care to create/update booking patterns
  • The session length must not exceed 12 hours

Workflow Emails

💡 Multiple email addresses can be added in the same line separated by a comma and a space (e.g. [email protected], [email protected])

Emails will be sent to these email addresses when specific actions are performed instead of the service's primary email. If no email address is entered, it will default to the primary email address in the Centre Information tab. Workflows include:

  • Incident Reports
  • Medication Reports
  • Hazard Maintenance Logs
  • Leads (enquiries, waitlist, enrolments)
  • CCS Related (failed payments, entitlement changes, CCS submission alerts)
  • Rostering (daily roster vs worked summary)

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