Fees Matrix - Bulk Assign Fee Rates To Children

⚠️ This feature is used to move/assign children to a rate - this is not for updating the individual fees/rates!

💻 Children > View all Children > Update Fees [Quick Links]

💻 Centre > Manage Rooms > Bulk Change Fees [Quick Links]

Bulk Change Children (Via Filter) - First Tab

⚠️ Do not use this if you have children with multiple sessions in the same day

⚠️ This will not change any children on Advance Booking Patterns

This section allows you to filter and select from a list of children before assigning the new fee rate.

  1. Use the filters to refine your list (optional)
  2. Select the children to update by clicking the checkbox on the right
  3. Select the Fees Matrix Icon
  4. Enter the Effective From Date (must be in the future)
  5. Select the Room
  6. Select the Fee/Session
  7. Click Schedule Room/Rate Change

Bulk Change Children By Age - Second Tab

⚠️ This will only change children who satisfy the criteria selected on the date selected. It will not change any children on Advance Booking Patterns

This section allows you to schedule a rate change for children between a certain age range.

  1. Select the Effective From Date - the date the fee will change to the new rate
  2. Enter a 'From Age' (in months) - children this age and above (on the effective from date) will be included
  3. Enter 'Less than Age' (in months) - children under this age (on the effective from date) will be included
  4. Select Room
  5. Select Fee/Session
  6. Click Add Schedule Rate Change

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