QLD Kindy Funding Forecast & Acquittals

The information and content provided in this video were accurate and up-to-date at the time of recording. However, due to ongoing updates and improvements, some details may have changed.

Key Points

⚠️ You can now automatically calculate the Free Kindy Funding credits!

  • Children will be eligible to receive up to 15 hours per week
  • Can be applied for up to 40 weeks in the year
  • Some fields in the child details are not required for 2024 submissions
  • You will now need to enter the Kindy hours per day for each day you are claiming in the forecast/acquittal


The information and content provided in this video were accurate and up-to-date at the time of recording. However, due to ongoing updates and improvements, some details may have changed.

Part 1 - API Connection

  1. Get our API details from QGrants
  2. Go to 💻 Billing > QLD Free Kindy
  3. Copy and Paste the Details provided in the email from the Queensland government into OWNA
  4. Click Update

Part 2 - Child Tags

  1. Add tags for your Kindy Funding Groups/Types (e.g. QLD Kindy Base, QLD Kindy FTB, QLD Kindy Plus) - Manage Centre Tags 
  2. Apply the tags to the child profiles - Applying Child Tags

Part 3 - Configure Children's Data

  1. Go to 💻 Billing > QLD Free Kindy
  2. Click Manage Children's Details
  3. Select the Tags and click Get Children
  4. Ensure each child has a Home Address in their OWNA Profile
  5. Remove children over 7 years old (DOB/Age is red)
  6. Select options (ensure you scroll all the way to the end)
  7. Click Update Children

Batching Attendances

  1. Go to 💻 Attendances > Weekly Attendances
  2. Select the week starting date for the first week in the reporting period
  3. Click Get Report
  4. Repeat this for each week in the reporting period

Submitting Forecasts

1. Go to 💻 Billing > QLD Free Kindy 
2. Click on Submit Forecasts
3. Select Type (Sessional or LDC)
4. Select Period (Quarter)
5. Enter a unique description (e.g. Q2 Forecast 2023)
6. Enter Program ID/Name
7. Enter Unit ID/Name
8. If you did not deliver a preschool program for any days during the quarter, select the reason from the dropdown for each day

9. Enter in the hours for your preschool program (e.g. 0 or between 5 and 7.5 hours)

10. Select ECTs (choose from the list of staff)

11. Select Tags

12. Click Get Children/Attendance Data

13. Optional: Add a Second and Third Program (use checkbox - repeat steps 8 to 12)

13. Review data, then click Submit Forecast

 💡 You will need to Batch Attendances for data to calculate correctly

Deleting Forecasts

💡 Forecasts CAN be deleted if it hasn't yet been processed by QGrants

  1. Go to 💻 Billing > QLD Free Kindy
  2. Click the Delete button


💡 Repeat Part 3 of guide to ensure child details are correct before submitting Acquittal

  1. Click on the Acquittal button next to your Forecast (or click Submit Q1 Acquittal if the forecast wasn't submitted in OWNA)
  2. Select Type (Sessional or LDC)
  3. Enter a unique description (e.g. Q2 Acquittal 2023)
  4. Enter Program ID/Name
  5. Enter Unit ID/Name
  6. If you did not deliver a preschool program for any days during the quarter, select the reason from the dropdown for each day
  7. Select ECTs (choose from the list of staff)
  8. Select Tags (chose from the Child Tags set up earlier)
  9. Click Get Children/Attendance Data
  10. Optional: Add a Second and Third Program (use checkbox - repeat steps 7 to 9)
  11. Review data, then click Submit Acquittal

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