QLD Kindy Funding Forecast & Acquittals
The information and content provided in this video were accurate and up-to-date at the time of recording. However, due to ongoing updates and improvements, some details may have changed.
Key Points
⚠️ You can now automatically calculate the Free Kindy Funding credits!
- Children will be eligible to receive up to 15 hours per week
- Can be applied for up to 40 weeks in the year
- Some fields in the child details are not required for 2024 submissions
- You will now need to enter the Kindy hours per day for each day you are claiming in the forecast/acquittal
The information and content provided in this video were accurate and up-to-date at the time of recording. However, due to ongoing updates and improvements, some details may have changed.
Part 1 - API Connection
- Get our API details from QGrants
- Go to 💻 Billing > QLD Free Kindy
- Copy and Paste the Details provided in the email from the Queensland government into OWNA
- Click Update

Part 2 - Child Tags
- Add tags for your Kindy Funding Groups/Types (e.g. QLD Kindy Base, QLD Kindy FTB, QLD Kindy Plus) - Manage Centre Tags
- Apply the tags to the child profiles - Applying Child Tags
Part 3 - Configure Children's Data
- Go to 💻 Billing > QLD Free Kindy
- Click Manage Children's Details
- Select the Tags and click Get Children
- Ensure each child has a Home Address in their OWNA Profile
- Remove children over 7 years old (DOB/Age is red)
- Select options (ensure you scroll all the way to the end)
- Click Update Children

Batching Attendances
- Go to 💻 Attendances > Weekly Attendances
- Select the week starting date for the first week in the reporting period
- Click Get Report
- Repeat this for each week in the reporting period
Submitting Forecasts
2. Click on Submit Forecasts
3. Select Type (Sessional or LDC)
4. Select Period (Quarter)
5. Enter a unique description (e.g. Q2 Forecast 2023)
6. Enter Program ID/Name
7. Enter Unit ID/Name

9. Enter in the hours for your preschool program (e.g. 0 or between 5 and 7.5 hours)

10. Select ECTs (choose from the list of staff)
11. Select Tags
12. Click Get Children/Attendance Data
13. Optional: Add a Second and Third Program (use checkbox - repeat steps 8 to 12)
13. Review data, then click Submit Forecast
💡 You will need to Batch Attendances for data to calculate correctly

Deleting Forecasts
💡 Forecasts CAN be deleted if it hasn't yet been processed by QGrants
- Go to 💻 Billing > QLD Free Kindy
- Click the Delete button
💡 Repeat Part 3 of guide to ensure child details are correct before submitting Acquittal

- Click on the Acquittal button next to your Forecast (or click Submit Q1 Acquittal if the forecast wasn't submitted in OWNA)
- Select Type (Sessional or LDC)
- Enter a unique description (e.g. Q2 Acquittal 2023)
- Enter Program ID/Name
- Enter Unit ID/Name
- If you did not deliver a preschool program for any days during the quarter, select the reason from the dropdown for each day
- Select ECTs (choose from the list of staff)
- Select Tags (chose from the Child Tags set up earlier)
- Click Get Children/Attendance Data
- Optional: Add a Second and Third Program (use checkbox - repeat steps 7 to 9)
- Review data, then click Submit Acquittal