Importing your Kids Gourmet Food (KGF) Menu


💡 You will need to contact KGF to get your code to enter into OWNA!

If you have a Kids Gourmet Food subscription, your menus will be imported into OWNA and updated automatically after following the setup steps below.


💻 Centre > Manage Menus

  1. Click on the + icon in the top right corner
  2. Enter your KGF Centre Code at the top of the page
  3. Click Import my Menus

Manual Updates

When you import your menu from KGF, it will automatically import the current 6-week block of menus. At the end of this period, it will import the next 6-weeks automatically. If KGF makes any changes to the menu for a period already imported, you will need to click Import again for the system to update the meals in OWNA.

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