QKFS Reporting
Queensland Kindergarten Funding Scheme
The following guide is an interim measure to assist with calculating the QKFS for your service. Whilst we try to ensure 100% accuracy, please check the results of the data yourself.
Step 1: Tagging QKFS Eligibility
💻 Centre > Manage all Tags
- Enter 'QKFS' into the Tag Name field
- Select 'Children' as the tag type
- Click Create Tag
💻 Children > View all Children
- Tick the checkbox (on the right) for all eligible children (use the filters to create a smaller list of eligible children using the room and age filters)
- Click the Tag button at the top of the list
- Select the QKFS tag
- Click Tag Selected Children
Step 2: Running the report
💻 CCSS > Weekly Attendance Fee
- Click ECEC Funding report (top right corner)
- Select the week starting (must be a Monday)
- Enter end date
- Select the QKFS tag
- Tick Group by Weeks to get a weekly breakdown (optional)
- Click on Get Report