QKFS Reporting

Queensland Kindergarten Funding Scheme


The following guide is an interim measure to assist with calculating the QKFS for your service. Whilst we try to ensure 100% accuracy, please check the results of the data yourself.

Step 1: Tagging QKFS Eligibility

 💻 Centre > Manage all Tags

  1. Enter 'QKFS' into the Tag Name field
  2. Select 'Children' as the tag type
  3. Click Create Tag

 💻 Children > View all Children

  1. Tick the checkbox (on the right) for all eligible children (use the filters to create a smaller list of eligible children using the room and age filters)
  2. Click the Tag button at the top of the list
  3. Select the QKFS tag
  4. Click Tag Selected Children

Step 2: Running the report

 💻 CCSS > Weekly Attendance Fee

  1. Click ECEC Funding report (top right corner)
  2. Select the week starting (must be a Monday)
  3. Enter end date
  4. Select the QKFS tag
  5. Tick Group by Weeks to get a weekly breakdown (optional)
  6. Click on Get Report

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