Build and Duplicate a Roster
💻 Staff > Roster
💡Click here to go to the Roster Setup Guide
Build a New Roster
1. Select the Monday of the week you want to build your new roster and click View Roster
- or use the arrows to go forward or back between weeks
2. Scroll down past the Financial Reporting and click Build Roster
3. Click on a ➕ icon in your roster table to add shifts
- Select Staff Name
- Select shift (or enter times)
- Select lunch (or enter times) - optional
- Save changes
- Shifts added to the roster are colour coded based on either Employment Type or Qualifications (you can change the toggle at the top of your Roster Build table)
Shift Editing Options:
- Click and drag shifts to change the room or day
- Hover over a shift to see shift options
- Delete - permanently removes the shift
- Edit - opens the shift details modal
- Add - allows you to add another shift underneath
- Copy - copies the shift details (click another day/room next to the ➕ icon to paste)
- List Shifts - shows a list of all other shifts for the same educator in the week
4. Publish the roster
Duplicating a Previous Roster
From the Build Roster tab:
- Navigate to the roster/week you wish to duplicate
- Click Duplicate Roster (top right corner)
- Select the Monday of the week to duplicate the roster to
- Click Duplicate Roster
💡 If a roster (even a blank one) exists in the week you are duplicating to, it will need to be deleted first
Deleting a Roster
⚠️ Once a roster has been deleted, it cannot be reversed/restored
- Navigate to the roster/week you wish to delete
- Click Delete Roster (top right corner)
- Confirm that you are sure you want to delete the roster
Roster Training Video