Staff PIN Mode


This app configuration allows staff using a shared device to log into their staff profile in the OWNA app using their 6-digit PIN instead of entering their username and password each time.

It also provides a screen for staff to clock in for their shift and change between rooms without logging into their profile.


Any staff or admin user can put a device in Staff PIN Mode unless they are on a mobile device and 'Staff can't Centre Checkin on Phone' is activated in App Configuration.

  1. 📱 Settings > Staff PIN Mode
  2. Change the toggle to ON (green)
  3. Enter your staff PIN to log back in

Return to PIN Mode Screen

Once you are finished using the app, go to Settings > Logout to change the screen back to PIN mode for the next user.

Turn Off Staff PIN Mode

💡 Only the user who put the device into Staff PIN Mode can revert this setting

  1. 📱 Settings > Staff PIN Mode
  2. Change the toggle to OFF (grey)


There are two settings in App Configuration that will prevent you from activating Staff PIN Mode if you are a Centre Staff user:

  • Allow any Staff to turn on Public Mode is not ticked
  • Strict Centre Checkin (Public Mode off on Phone device) is ticked

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